ONU 3DLite accepts a number of different native and neutral CAD file formats that can be converted and optimized. Below is a list of accepted formats, along with any related best practices for getting the best possible results. Note that only file types of .asm and .prt are supported in .zip archive format.
File Extension: .step or .stp
Supported Versions: AP203 and AP214
Maximum File Size: 500 MB
Notes: When converting a STEP file, 2D graphics will not be converted with your 3D geometry.
File Extension: .igs or .iges
Supported Versions: Up to and including 5.3
Maximum File Size: 250 MB
File Extension: .x_t
Supported Versions: v10 to v29
Maximum File Size: 250 MB
Siemens JT
File Extension: .jt
Supported Versions: Up to and including 10
Maximum File Size: 1 GB
Notes: Export Options Window should use the following:
- Saving both asm & parts
- File structure is Monolithic
- Include Wireframe, PMI, and Precise Geometry
PTC Pro-E / Creo
File Extension: .asm or .prt
Supported Versions: Pro/E 2000i to Creo Parametric 4.0
Maximum File Size: 500 MB
- All .asm files with associated .prt files need to be zipped (.zip) together before upload.
- Ensure the top-level assembly and the .zip file have the same name.
- Flatten the file structure so there are no folders in the .zip file.
- The archive must contain at least one .asm and one .prt file.
- All extensions must be either .asm or .prt, meaning iterations or versions will not be accepted and must first be renamed. See this article for more information.
File Extension: .sat
Supported Versions: Up to and including R21
Maximum File Size: 500 MB
File Extension: .3dm
Maximum File Size: 500 MB
File Extension: .catpart only OR .step/stp
Maximum File Size: 500 MB
File Extension: .sldprt or .x_t
Maximum File Size: 500 MB
Notes: To import full Solidworks assemblies, please export them in Parasolid format.
- Click File > Save As.
- Set Save as type to Parasolid (*.x_t), then click Options.
- Select from the following options:
- Flatten assembly hierarchy (assemblies only) - Please do NOT flatten
- Output coordinate system - ONU defaults to Y-Up